Edcel Bermundo

Ed Bermundo- Registered Massage Therapist, CMTOI was born and raised in the Philippines before settling and calling Canada my home. At an early age, I have learned the wonderful bene%ts of massage the tradi&onal way (called Hilot) on allevia&ng musculoskeletal a+ic&ons. That is why I pursue my career's passion and succeeded in earning my degree at Ontario College of Health and Technology.I am blessed with a beau&ful family, my constant source of happiness, my drive to con&nuously work with my desire to provide top-notch service in Therapeu&c Massage (Deep Tissue), Relaxa&on Massage, and Swedish Massage and to share this natural healing process so that my clientele can feel revitalize and reborn.Daily stress grinds our body down nonetheless I strongly believe that our body is capable of many things including self-repair especially when cared for by the right professional.I enjoy my free &me playing volleyball with my friends and leisurely walking my dog

